I love the superhero game Heroclix. Like most of us who play the game, I also enjoy the comic books upon which the characters of the game are based.

So I've created a number of campaigns designed to simulate storylines with a traditional comic book feel to them. I'll be gradually posting the several dozen I've got ready over the next few weeks. After that, whenever I get around to creating a new campaign, I'll add that as well.

For the most part, the campaigns will be divided up into Marvel, DC and Mixed Universe. There will be a few single scenario entries as well.

If I can figure out how to manage it, I'd like to allow other Heroclix fans to post their own campaign/scenario creations here as well.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dracula--Lord of Vampires

This is a two player campaign set in the Marvel Universe. One player will use Dracula and his army of vampires. The other will use various superheroes (and--in one scenario--supervilians) trying to stop the Lord of the Undead. The two players will be respectively referred to as the Vampire and the Mortal.

The campaign consists of five scenarios. In each of these scenarios, the Vampire is battling to gain one of four magical jewels. If he wins all four scenarios, he recovers all the jewels and automatically conquers the world (thus winning the campaign).

If the Mortal wins all four scenarios, then the Vampire's evil machinations have been spoiled. The world is saved.

If the Vampire wins 1, 2, 3  or 4 of the scenarios, then he gains a 20% chance of conquering the world. After all the scenarios are played, roll percentile dice or generate a random number in any other way acceptable to all the players. This die roll is used to determine the winner, with the Vampire having anywhere from a 20% chance to a 80% chance of taking over the world.

WARNING: Each scenario comes with a suggested map. Players lacking one of these maps should be able to mutually agree on an acceptable replacement.



The Rubies of Death--three large jewels that each hold enormous magical power.

In 1942, Count Dracula learns of the existence of these jewels. He realizes that if he can get all three, then he will have the power to give vampires complete dominion over men. Dracula will rule the world, with humans kept as cattle to give the vampires a steady supply of blood.

But the jewels have been lost for centuries. As of 1942, Dracula has only located one of them--being studied by Allied scientists at an airbase in England. The Ruby is guarded by the group known as the Invaders.

MAP: Use the Airbase map that came with the Avengers set.

TEAMS: The Vampire uses Dracula and any number of Vampire and Vampire Lackey generics. He may also use Baron Blood--the Nazi vampire who was active during World War II. I

The Mortal uses any of the following figures with the Invaders keyword: Captain America, Bucky, Namor, the Human Torch, Toro, Spitfire, Union Jack, Blazing Skull, Thin Man. He may only use one version of each of these figures. He may use the Captain America/Bucky duo figure instead of the individual figures. He may also use any number of Howling Commando generics.  He may also use the Avengers Movie versions of Dum Dum Dugan and Gabe Jones.

SPECIAL NOTE: If both players agree, the Mortal may use the Avengers Movie version of Bucky rather than the Marvel 616 version. The versions of Dum Dum and Gabe are close enough to the 616 versions from the war-time period to be uses as such, but using the Movie Bucky means stepping outside 616 continuity. Both players must agree in advance that this campaign is taking place in an alternate universe before this is allowed.

SET-UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario runs for 10 rounds. If Dracula wins, he's recovered one of the Rubies. Otherwise, he's been prevented from getting it.


The next four scenarios take place in modern times. The important thing is to have Dracula and his minions face off against three teams of good guys and one team of bad guys. Players can easily insert their own preferences here--replacing teams and maps accordingly. Simply make sure both players mutually agree on any changes before hand.


Many years after his battle with the Invaders, Dracula learns that another of the Rubies is hidden in a remote swamp. But Dr. Strange and the Defenders are also seeking the powerful magical item.

MAP: The swamp map that came with the Hellboy set.

TEAMS: The Vampire gets Dracula and any number of Vampires and Vampire Lackeys. Dracula has also gained hypnotic control over several superpowered beings who were inhabiting the swamp. The Vampire may use the Lizard and/or Man-Thing.

The Mortal must use any one version of Dr. Strange plus any figures with the Defenders keyword. He may only use one version of each named figure. He may NOT use the Man Thing/Howard the Duck duo figure since Man Thing is being controlled by Dracula during this scenario.

SET-UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario runs for 10 rounds. If Dracula wins, he's recovered one of the Rubies. Otherwise, he's been prevented from getting it.


A criminal organization has gotten his hands on one of the Rubies. Dracula acts to take it away from him, striking at the organizations secret and out-of-the-way headquarters. He makes a temporary alliance with a ninja assassin who wants vengeance on the crooks, because the ninja knows where the headquarters is.

MAP: The waterfront map that came with the Giant-Sized X-Men set.

TEAMS: The Vampire uses Dracula and any number of Vampire and Vampire Lackey generics. He may also use any one Hand Ninja.

The Mortal uses one of the following two teams:

Red Skull AND Viper AND any number of Hydra generics. He may substitute Baron Strucker forr the Red Skull.


Modok and any number of AIM Generics

SET-UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario runs for 10 rounds. If Dracula wins, he's recovered one of the Rubies. Otherwise, he's been prevented from getting it.


SHIELD agents recover one of the Rubies. Dracula moves to take if from them. His attack causes an imprisoned super-villain to escape from one of the holding cells on the carrier.

MAP: Any of the SHIELD Helicarrier maps. First player can choose which one if more than one is available.

TEAMS: The Vampire uses Dracula and any number of Vampire and Vampire Lackey generics. The Vampire may also choose any one Marvel 616 super-villain between 50 and 150 points to use on his team.

The Mortal may use any one version of the following figures: Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan (SHIELD version); Sharon Carter; Mockingbird, Maria Hill. He may also use any number of SHIELD generics.

SET-UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario runs for 10 rounds. If Dracula wins, he's recovered one of the Rubies. Otherwise, he's been prevented from getting it.


The last Ruby is located in an ancient castle in Eastern Europe, ironically not far from Dracula's homeland. But as he races to obtain it, an ad hoc band of heroes moves to stop him. Dracula, though, locates an old "friend" as he approaches the castle.

MAP: Use the castle map from the Horrorclix set or the more recent European castle map. First player would pick the map if both are available.

TEAMS: The Vampire uses Dracula and any number of Vampire and Vampire Lackey generics. He may also use Frankenstein's Monster.

The Mortal uses a team made up of any of the following characters: Spider Man, Daredevil, Power Man, Iron Fist, Coleen Wing, Misty Knight, Punisher, Shang-Chi, White Tiger, Wolverine, Black Panther, Tigra, Black Widow Werewolf by Night; Hannibal King; Blade; Frank Drake.  Appropriate duo figures may be used.

SET-UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario runs for 10 rounds. If Dracula wins, he's recovered one of the Rubies. Otherwise, he's been prevented from getting it.


Remember, if the Vampire wins all five scenarios, then Dracula automatically conquers the world. If the Mortal has the shut-out, the world is automatically saved.

Otherwise, multiply the number of Vampire wins by 20%. This is the percentage chance of Dracula conquering the world. Roll die or otherwise generate a random number to determine the winner.

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