I love the superhero game Heroclix. Like most of us who play the game, I also enjoy the comic books upon which the characters of the game are based.

So I've created a number of campaigns designed to simulate storylines with a traditional comic book feel to them. I'll be gradually posting the several dozen I've got ready over the next few weeks. After that, whenever I get around to creating a new campaign, I'll add that as well.

For the most part, the campaigns will be divided up into Marvel, DC and Mixed Universe. There will be a few single scenario entries as well.

If I can figure out how to manage it, I'd like to allow other Heroclix fans to post their own campaign/scenario creations here as well.

Saturday, April 2, 2011



The following campaign can be used for either the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe.

The Japanese Mafia—known as the Yakuza—has set up a smuggling ring. To fool the authorities, they have based the operation outside of Japan, using the City of Hong Kong as a major hub. The other end of the smuggling route is in New York City (Marvel)/Gotham City (DC).

An American criminal runs the American end of the operation in a partnership with the Yakuza. Of course, this criminal plans to double-cross his partners and take over the whole operation eventually, but a band of superheroes interfere before this can happen.

One player will operate the various bad guys, while the other will run the good guys. They will be respectively referred to as the Villain and the Hero.

The Hero gets the following characters for each scenario:

MARVEL: Spider Man, Wolverine, Punisher, Daredevil, Eleckra, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Hawkeye, Shang Chi. (Plus various generic pieces as detailed in the scenario descriptions.) These heroes will be referred to as his “core characters” in the scenario descriptions.

DC: Any Bat family character, Ragman, Question, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Huntress, any member of the Outsiders. (Plus various generic pieces as detailed in the scenario descriptions.) These heroes will be referred to as his “core characters” in the scenario descriptions.

Yakuza are represented by Hand Ninja (both old and new versions) and various martial arts oriented Indy figures such as Bron and Death Dealer. Indy characters such as Danger Girl can also be used, representing assassins in the Yakuza’s employ. MARVEL ONLY: The Villain may include Silver Samurai as a Yakuza. These villains will be referred to as “Yakuza” in the scenario descriptions. The Villain’s other available characters are listed in the scenario descriptions.

IMPORTANT: Except as described in the description for the final scenario, no player gets Theme Team bonuses in this campaign.

VICTORY: Keep a running total of victory points throughout the first three scenarios. Whomever is in the lead will get an advantage in the final scenario.


This scenario takes place in either New York (Marvel) or Gotham City (DC). The American end of the smuggling ring is raided by superheroes and/or police.

MAP: Use the Starro Docks map.

TEAMS: 500 points. The Hero gets his core characters. The Villain gets his Yakuza characters.

If this is MARVEL: The Hero may use any number of SWAT cops and Gotham City cops (Here representing the NYPD).
The Villain MUST use Kingpin. He may use any number of thugs muggers, lackeys, criminals and henchmen. He may use any member of the Sinister Syndicate EXCEPT Bullseye.

If this is DC: The Hero may use any number of SWAT cops and Gotham City cops.
The Villain MUST use either Penguin or Bane (but not both). He may use any number of thugs muggers, lackeys, criminals and henchmen. He may use any other Batman Enemy EXCEPT Deadpool.

SET UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario lasts 12 rounds. Calculate Victory Points normally.


An American law enforcement agent delivers evidence about the smuggling ring to the Hong Kong police. But he/she is intercepted at the airport by Yakuza assasssins. Fortunately, an American superhero had secretly tagged along to help.

MAP: Use the airport map.

TEAMS: 300 points. The Hero may pick just ONE of his core characters.

If this is MARVEL: The Hero MUST use Sharon Carter (she ran across some evidence while on a SHIELD op). He may use any number of SWAT cops or HDC Troopers to represent cops and airport security.
The Villain MUST use Bullseye OR Deadpool Or Sabertooth as a top hitman brought in for the job. He may use any number of Yakuza.

If this is DC: The Hero MUST use Commissioner Gordon. He may use any number of SWAT cops or HDC Troopers to represent cops and airport security.
The Villain MUST use Deadshot OR Captain Boomarang OR Captain Cold as a top hitman brought in for the job. He may use any number of Yakuza.

SET UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario lasts 10 rounds. If Sharon Carter/Commissioner Gordon is KOd, the Villain gets an extra 100 Victory Points. Otherwise, calculate victory points normally.


The Heroes raid a Yakuza operation at the Hong Kong docks to get evidence.

MAP: Use the Docks map that came with the GSX set.

TEAMS: 500 points. The Hero may use his Core Characters, plus any number of SWAT cops. The Villain may use Yakuza, plus whatever hitman he used in the Airport scenario. (If that figure was KOd, he managed to escape from the paddy wagon on the way to jail.)

If this is MARVEL: The smuggled shipment includes some Dreadnoughts. The Villain may use up to three of these.

If this is DC: Ra’s Al Ghul is negotiating with the Yakuza, planning on using them as a tool in his own evil plans, so he has some representatives present. The Villain may use Talia plus any number of League of Assassin generics.

SET UP: Roll for first player and set up normally.

LENGTH: The scenario lasts 12 rounds. Calculate Victory Points normally.


With enough evidence, the Heroes raid the main headquarters of the Yakuza.

SPECIAL: Whichever player is ahead on victory points gets the regular Theme Team bonues, regardless of the composition of his team.

MAP: First player chooses either the Mansion map (from the old Indoor Adventure set) or the Warehouse map (from whatever the heck set that was from.)

TEAMS: 500 points. The Hero gets his Core Characters, plus any number of SWAT cops. The Villain gets Yakuza, up to three League of Assassin generics, the hitman from the Airport scenario (the guy just keeps escaping) and any other two members of the Sinister Syndicate (Marvel)/Batman Enemies (DC). (He may reuse figures from the first scenario. These are the representatives from the American criminal, come to try to re-establish the smuggling operation.)

LENGTH: 12 rounds.

VICTORY: Calculate victory points for this scenario alone normally. This determines the winner. Either the heroes have broken the smuggling ring forever, or the villains have avoided capture and will soon be raking in their ill-gotten gains once more.

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